
The title Fellow of the Irish College of Paramedics that includes the post-nominal of FICOP will be awarded to practitioner members of the Irish College of Paramedics who have made an outstanding contribution to the achievement of:

  • The Irish College of Paramedics objectives, growth and development
  • Improving paramedic professional practice and in turn patient care or population health and wellbeing
  • Development of paramedic education and, in turn patient care or population health and wellbeing

Honorary Fellows

The title of Honorary Fellow of the Irish College of Paramedics may be awarded to any individual, regardless of professional background or qualification, who has made a similar contribution to the paramedic profession as full Fellows. Honorary Fellows are not entitled to use a post-nominal.

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Lifetime Achievement Awards are awarded to individuals who have made a long and outstanding contribution to the Irish College of Paramedics, the paramedic profession or to patient care over the whole of their career, rather than or in addition to single contributions. This award will only be made when a suitable candidate has been nominated and may be presented at any point during the year. They can be presented to Practitioner and Associate Members.