Information on ICoP Scientific Days

Irish College of Paramedics Scientific Days are hosted by the ICoP three times during the year in various venues around Ireland. The usual dates are the start of February, June and October of each calendar year.

These days are designed to allow members and practitioners in the Irish prehospital arena present their research and data that they have undertook. Some will have done the research for various MSc or PhD programmes while others will have undertaken the research to develop ideas or find results.

Alongside research that is presented we also have topics been presented that are current or of interest to the membership. At times workshops are organised to show correct techniques, new thinking or possible advances in patient care and treatment. Active participation by attendees is encouraged throughout so people gain better insight.

Recently we have collaborated with the Irish Association of Emergency Medicine (IAEM) to host our event as a parallel workshop during their annual conference. Alongside the ENIG and EMTA we hosted a parallel session that was open to all at the event. This helped showcase Irish prehospital care to a wider audience.

The days are designed for a 5 hour program as people may be travelling a distance to attend. CPC points are awarded for the day. A light lunch is generally included in to the price of the event.

Future events are planned in advance by the Education and Research committee with members needs in mind. If anyone has a subject they feel they would like highlighted or wants to present a topic please contact the Education and Research committee.

Next ICoP Scientific Day


Topics & Speakers:


 Admission:  Admission is by ticket only. Please make sure you bring a printed ticket. 

Phone photo shots and e-mails will not be accepted.


Terms & Conditions – Refund & Cancellation

If you wish to cancel a place please contact us on

You will receive a cancellation e-mail with a ref no. and a refund will be made within 10 working days to the account given at the time of booking.

No cash or cheque refunds will be given.

Refunds can be offered up to 5 days before the course.

Refunds will not be given <5 days before the course.

Admission :  Please make sure you bring a printed ticket. Phone shots and e-mails will not be accepted.

Admission is by ticket only.