Why join ICoP?
We welcome all Practitioners to use the ICoP as a platform for the development of paramedicine and the pre-hospital emergency care profession. ICoP is for all registered practitioners and those allied professionals with an interest in pre-hospital care.
The ICoP is a tool to maintain, advance and contribute to the betterment of pre-hospital care provision to the public.
All members are welcome to contribute to the site and information sharing.
Membership Fees
Fees for members both Practitioner and Associate Members is €10.00 per year from 1st of January to 31st of December of each rolling calendar year.
In December the member will receive two (2) reminder e-mails to rejoin before 1st of January to continue accessing the Members Area of the Irish College of Paramedics website. Should a person join as a member at any point during the calendar year the membership fees will still be €10.00 - membership starts on the date they sign up to be a member but ends on the 31st of December of that calendar year.
Practitioner Member
Practicing member registered with PHECC as an Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic or Advanced Paramedic. Practitioner members may run for official ICoP positions and have a vote at meetings of the College. Full membership benefits also apply, including access to publications, member discounts, professional representation and more.
Associate Member
This category is open to overseas EMTs and Paramedics. It is also open to any persons with an interest in pre-hospital care, such as responders, volunteers, nurses, physicians etc. Associate Members are welcome from all backgrounds and nations. We extend a special welcome to Irish associate members who are working overseas. Associate members are not eligible to run for official positions or vote at meetings of the College. All other membership benefits apply, including access to publications, member discounts, professional representation and more.
Membership Benefits
When you join as a member you will receive access to a range of membership benefits. Discount codes for ICOP scientific days will be sent directly to your registered e-mail address.
Become a member today!
Paypal not required. All credit cards accepted.