There is an increasing need to accredit programmes of pre-hospital care, relevant to our members, to allow practitioners maintain competence whilst ensuring programmes they complete are of a high standard and are worthy of Continuous Professional Competence credits.
The area of pre-hospital care has a multitude of programmes from many Countries, but there are few certified short programmes accredited by an Irish reputable organisation. We believe that Ireland now has a significant number of specialists in this field that can
- provide such programmes,
- independently certify these programmes, and
- develop programmes which meet the need of Irish practitioners from a variety of disciplines.
The Irish College of Paramedics will now accredit Organisations who will provide a relevant programme of education and learning to our ICoP members and other practitioners. Such programmes will only be accredited once they meet the high standard for course approval, and are independently reviewed and quality assured by Educators and Facilitators certified by the Regulatory Body.
For further information, please download and read the following policy document: Registration of Educational Providers and Course Accreditation V2 (updated Sept 7th 2017)
To begin the process of accreditation, please contact us at