Would you care to join us?  We need your assistance either in an active or an inactive role, whichever suits you.  We have been in existence now for three years and are a group of committed pre-hospital practitioners who simply wish to represent the various stakeholders and our growing profession both nationally and internationally.  We are the ‘Voice’ of the profession.  While we use social media we want more than comments on such sites, we would like to see the concerns voiced formulated and directed at the appropriate organisation.  We are not a Union we are a professional body wishing to advance the profession.

We intend to set-up a part-time administration department to deal with our membership and all other queries in addition to organising the administration associated with our Scientific Days.

We need you to support us please.  We would like if you would consider joining us so that we can strengthen the Voice of our Profession.  Would you sign-up and row in behind us and together we can progress what truly is a great new Irish Profession?

eMail: icopinfo@gmail.com


Shane (Knox)

President, Irish College of Paramedics